The story of my life (Anne Frank)

 Hi diary, I'm Johana Mcflury calls me Pipa.Let's start the story of my life.I was born on the 9 of April in 2026,in the hospital campale in Greenland.I have a huge family,my mother Catherine, my two brothers Tom and Jhonny,my three sisters Barbie,Amanda and Carlota, my five twins Mariana, Molly, Kattie, Ricardo and Nicole, and my father Jack. Also I have pets. A unicorn called Fluffly, a NICE rabbit called Sir Carrots, a dragon called Twity and a fish called Ronald.
 I always do the same; I wake up, play with my pets, go to school, travel on time and go to bed, my life isn't so amazing! . . .
 Also I have an imaginary friend called Lucinda, she is very FRIENDLY, we do everything together. But everyone said, to me it's STRANGE, I am not SCARED of what people think about it; I am not MAD !
