AVFTB Themes

For Drama class, I made a video explaining the 3 themes from "A View From The Bridge".

Love: The play shows us that love is not always beautiful - it is responsible for all the conflict between the characters. Throughout the play, drama is created through the conflict between different types of love. For example when, Eddie's love for Catherine appears initially to be paternal, but soon appears to be less appropriate, and turns out to be romantic love.

Justice and the law: Alfieri, the lawyer, establishes that justice and the law are going to be important in the play in his opening speech. Throughout the play, for the characters,their ideas of  justice isn't always according to law. Like when Marco kills Rodolpho, it wasn't legal, but for him that was just.
Pride: In the beginning it is a positive characteristic, although by the end it has driven to desperation, and, finally, death. Eddie is proud to welcome Marco and Rodolpho to his home in the beginning, thinking that Marco and Rodolpho will be grateful when comparing Red Hook to their lives back in Sicily. But at the end, both Eddie and Marco end up fighting over pride.
