Greta Thumberg is a 16 year old girl from Sweden, who is an environmental activist that protests for governments to do something about climate change. She also, despite of having selective mutism, gives Ted Talks to raise awareness.
Her Ted Talk is about how governments should already be doing something to stop climate change from getting worse, how we all should be working together to spread the message and find a solution.
What makes her Ted Talk so different than others is that instead of making eye-contact and using body language, Greta is very static on stage; however she attracts attention by using shocking facts and language. Furthermore, what stands out from the talk is her ambition, determination and how direct and straightforward she is.
Another aspect of her that shocks the audience is that although this round faced, slim girl with braided hair, seems so young, she uses developed vocabulary and articulates her sentences even better than some adults.
To conclude, I really recommend watching this Ted Talk, since this girl´s honesty about how fast climate change is increasing and how near we are to a point of no-return, leaves the audience astonished and with a desire to do something about it.

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